The first man mentioned in the text by Themerson, whom we meet in front of the theater building, is the literary director of this stage, while the second man is the director of “The Adventures of Peddy Bottom”. The name of this director, which should sound correctly Bogusław Kierc, and not Kiers, may suggest that the performance was full of sophisticated literary riddles, games of meanings and a search for the meaning of words. Kierc is known for his “sensitivity to the sensual values of words, to sonic harmony […] and is a virtuoso of both strict and free form (according to It is therefore probable that the director himself coded the title of Themerson’s philosophical fairy tale in in the form of an apparent equation “6 or 3×6”, as the performance was supposed to be for adults and children, ie for viewers aged 6 or 18 (3×6).
Author: Stefan Themerson
Screenplay and direction: Bogusław Kirec
Scenography: Janina Ścieszko
Music: Mirosław Jastrzębski
Cast: Danuta Ambroż, Hilary Kurpanik, Cyryl Przybył, Jacek Piątkowski, Andrzej Brzeski.
Photographs: Czesław Łuniewicz
Premiere: December 19, 1974