The Adam Tarn Theatre Society
We invite you to work in a theatre group and to take part in classes developing the skills of using Polish language on stage, in front of a camera and a microphone. Our theatre is available to everyone, regardless of age, country of origin or skills.
The Wise Fairy Tale premiere!
CAST (starting from the left): Monika Niedzielko (as Carabinieri’s Wife, Mrs. Metaferejn, Crazy Man), Artur Kuzmicz (as Captain Metaferejn, Prime Minister), Dorota Belkowska (as Carabinieri, Black Wolf, King Penguin), Eryka Sosnowska (as Peddy Bottom), Iwona Tomczak (as Hatter, Goat, Archillides); behind the camera – Krzysztof Woloczko (as Professor Camel)
Screenplay based on the book by Stefan Themerson. Adapted and directed by Krzysztof Woloczko
Radio-theatre activities
“The Adventures of Peddy Bottom”, based on a book by Stefan Themerson and directed by Krzysztof Woloczko, is the first radio production of our theatre. It is not a full-format radio play, but it sounds like a well-dramatized radio broadcast. The graphic design uses original illustrations by Franciszka Themerson to help the audience move to the land of the absurd, where the Peddy Bottom wanders.
Radio recordings turned out to be a practical form of the actors’ participation in the preparation of the performance and we plan to use it in the next projects.
Our story
The Adam Tarn Theatre Society was established in March 2020 as a safe place for artistic meetings and intellectual exchange during the pandemic. The first attempt to a read-through of the philosophical fairy tale of Stefan Themerson, “The Adventures of Peddy Bottom”, took place on August 1, 2020, in Surrey maintaining an appropriate social distancing.
Despite sanitary restrictions, meetings and theatre rehearsals were held systematically, and our team grew by new members after a promotional poster campaign in Polish stores. Looking for a virtual contact with the audience, we started recording the radio version of “The Adventures of Peddy Bottom” in order to prepare ourselves for the performance on the real stage. We publish the results of our work systematically on our YouTube channel.
In September 2020, The Adama Tarn Theatre Society was formally registered with the British Columbia Registries as “The Adam Tarn Polish-Canadian Theatre Society” under the number S0073969.
The main goal of our association is to create a new place of cultural activity on the map of Metro Vancouver, which will be a home for creative work for actors, mimes, dancers, singers, musicians, painters, set designers and masters of various types of theatrical crafts without whom no show in the world would be created.
Our mission is to build a culture of dialogue by organizing performances, meetings and cultural confrontations, popularizing the achievements of artists from Poland and Canada, which was the life idea of our patron Adam Tarn.
Photos from outdoor reading rehearsals for the November 2021 performance of “The Adventures of Peddy Bottom” in Clayton: Krzysztof Woloczko, Jacek Kado, Lukasz Wieczorek, Tal Wieczorek, Eryka Sosnowska, Gabreila Wieczorek, Dorota Belkowska, Henryka Nusser, Maria Antonina Harding, Monika Niedzielko
Adam Tarn (1902-1975)
Adam Tarn – the patron of our Theatre – was the founder and editor-in-chief of the Polish magazine “Dialog” devoted to theatre, film and radio dramaturgy. Erudite, writer, translator, art critic, as well as an undisputed discoverer and promoter of Slawomir Mrozek’s talent. In the editorial office of “Dialog” Tarn managed to create a club, a place of semi-official meetings of Warsaw intellectuals and artists, where culture and politics were discussed. In 1968 he was forced to emigrate from Poland and settled in Calgary. From December 1968, he worked as a lecturer in European drama at the University of Calgary, where he edited the periodical “Drama”. After three years he moved to Ottawa and until 1973 he lectured at the university there.
Please consider supporting our mission
The Adam Tarn Polish-Canadian Theatre Society is a non-profit organization. If you can, please consider supporting our mission of building a culture of a dialogue through theatre.
Your donations will help in producing new programs and implementing new projects. It doesn’t take a large donation to help us. If many of us contribute, a small amount is enough to maintain The Adam Tarn Polish-Canadian Theatre in a good shape.
In case you want to donate, please send it via Interac e-Transfer using our e-mail address: (simply copy this e-mail and paste it when you are adding your new recipient in the e-Transfer form at your bank’s website).
If you donate you will appear on our glorious list of donors! Thank you!
Polsko-Kanadyjskie Towarzystwo Teatralne im. Adama Tarna jest organizacją non-profit. Jeśli możesz, rozważ wsparcie naszej misji budowania kultury dialogu poprzez teatr.
Potrzebujemy Twoich darowizn, by realizować nowe przedstawienia i projekty. Nie musi to być duża darowizna, aby nam pomóc. Jeśli wiele osób wniesie swój wkład, to wystarczy niewielka kwota, by utrzymać nasz teatr w dobrej kondycji.
Darowizy można przesłać za pośrednictwem Interac e-Transfer na adres e-mail: (skopiuj ten e-mail i wklej go podczas dodawania nowego odbiorcy w formularzu e-Transfer na stronie Twojego banku).
Wszystkie osoby, które prześlą darowiznę, pojawią się na liście naszych wspaniałych darczyńców!